How to custom django administrator?

this time I want to share how to do a custom view of django administration using the adminlte3 library sourced on github. if you want to try you can visit the django adminlte3 documentation which has complete documentation… or you can also follow my staps. without further ado, here’s a step by step tutorial on how i can change the appearance of django administration.. :)

Ridho Marhaban
3 min readOct 22, 2021
Django AdminLTE3 provides developers with AdminLTE3 theme functionality in the form of standard base templates. Legacy styling for Django admin Interface is also provided.

step by step :

1. install adminlte3 library, django framework in virtual environment
membuat virtual environtment
2. install django framework && adminlte3
3. start project in django
tes running project django
4. go to the url address
home default
5. turn on local server
6. Configure the database in the file
7. create a database in phpmyadmin with the name adminlte_db
8. migrate database
9. create a superuser account
10. open urls go to the admin path then login with the superuser account that has been created
tampilan default django administration
tampilan default django administration
dashboard django adminlte3

